The Security and Compliance Risks of Collaboration Tool Usage in Financial Services

Theta Lake’s third annual global survey shows that firms are struggling to keep up with the security and compliance challenges presented by digital transformation.  Based on a comprehensive survey of executives across financial services, the report sheds light on key areas for risk management while providing a roadmap for organizations to continue scaling collaboration tools usage for improved business processes.

Download the survey report to learn: 


The pace of adoption for collaboration channels such as video and chat, as well as specific platforms including Microsoft Teams, RingCentral, Webex, Zoom, and Slack.


The elements that organizations feel pose the most risk, such as white boarding and screensharing, and the rate that investments are underutilized due to the limitations of legacy compliance solutions.


Recommendations for how to successfully enable collaboration tools in the workplace, and how purpose-built technology solutions can help navigate the complex and changing nature of compliance.

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