Metrigy eBook: Say “Yes!” to UC and Collaboration Compliance for Greater User Productivity
Metrigy eBook: Say “Yes!” to UC and Collaboration Compliance for Greater User Productivity
IT and business leaders face the often-conflicting challenges of enabling employees to leverage emerging collaboration technologies while also ensuring regulatory compliance. Examples include SEC, FINRA, and FCA in financial services, as well as PCI for payment processing, and HIPAA for healthcare. Companies that simply restrict functionality of applications run the risk of employees going around compliance requirements and leveraging unsanctioned tools, creating monetary, regulatory, and reputational risk.
In this eBook, you will find best practices for how companies can enable collaboration and align with regulatory compliance requirements.
For additional Metrigy and Theta Lake information regarding Improved Productivity go to:
- Metrigy Webinar - Say "Yes" to UCC Compliance for Better User Productivity and Lower Risk
- Metrigy Podcast: Realizing Collaboration ROI via Compliance