More Than a WhatsApp Issue
Reducing Off-channel Communications and Improving Reconciliation
Unlock the full potential of your Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) tools while effectively managing the complexities of regulatory compliance with ease. This white paper dives deep into the evolving landscape of digital communication governance.
Key Insights:
- Compliance Urgency: Understand the significant implications of recordkeeping failures, which have led to over $2.6 billion in fines. This section demonstrates why adopting a modernized approach to compliance and recordkeeping is not just beneficial but essential for today's digital age.
- Unified Solution: Discover why a staggering 98% of professionals express dissatisfaction with existing archiving and recordkeeping tools. Our analysis delves into the urgent need for robust, comprehensive solutions that not only capture but effectively manage and record all relevant communications.
- Board-Level Priority: Gain insights into why an overwhelming 94% of financial firms are now prioritizing communication compliance, elevating it to a boardroom imperative.
- Strategic Approach: Explore a detailed, three-step strategic approach designed to not only meet but exceed current compliance requirements. This plan focuses on enhancing organizational efficiency and ensuring that all communication channels are monitored, recorded, and easily retrievable in compliance with regulatory standards.